As a student and as an individual person, science and Technology is very important to us. Nowadays there are so many technologies spredout in our world. And this technologies help us a lot in our daily life.
As a science clubber, I observed that there are so many problems about our environment. Like global warming and also the hole of our ozone layer became bigger. During typhoons, we experience floods, landslide, soil erosion and many more. Because of us, we experience this bad calamities. Because some of us are loggers, they cut trees because of their business, "kaingin" is also popular. And as a person, I am very much concern on our environment. I can say that discipline, respect and unity is needed to make our environment clean and in able that we cannot experience those bad calamities. we must do different campaign program like clean and green, 3R'S (Reduce, Reuse,Recycle) , clean as you go, no loggers, no burning of plastics, segregation of biodegredable and non-biodegredable waste materials and many more campaign program to save our environment and to make our country more progressive.
So, come on, let us help each other to save our mother earth. We always put on our mind that "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" for our bettermen, for our own future and of course the future of the next generation.